Monday, September 12, 2011

Seek First His Kingdom and His Righteousness

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Many Christian leaders use this verse to spur their members to serve God harder. The common saying is that by serving and giving God more, He will take care of you and bless you.

Though I truly believe in serving God to the fullest, I disagree with their interpretation in regards to this scripture.

Luke 17:21 says this:
“The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.” 

1) The Kingdom of God is not observed

That means its not something that's tangible that you can pin point.

2) The Kingdom of God is in your midst
The NIV footnote and KJV version for this verse says "Within" you. That means the Kingdom of God is not something we need to build externally as if it was a physical building nor is it a ministry (though it does sound much like that).

Looking at the context of this scripture, Jesus was speaking to Jews. They were non-Christians, but no doubt, deeply religious Believers of God. You don't need to tell religious believers to serve God harder. 

The truth is, Jesus was talking about Salvation. He was beckoning the Jews to get themselves Saved - to become part of the Kingdom in which He was referring to. Jesus definitely wasn't referring to Salvation by Works. Being part of the Kingdom wasn't something they had to work for. Rather, it is a Kingdom that is received by Faith.

And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory. Ephesians 1:13-14

To be even more precise, I believe Jesus was referring to the receiving of His Holy Spirit - which is a Mark or Seal of Gods' Kingdom within us.

To shed even more light on this scripture, we have to consider His Righteousness. Now the Christian Faith is certainly not one received by doing good. Isaiah 64:6 says: "all our righteous acts are like filthy rags".

So this verse, even though superficially seems to tell us to do good, really talks about the Core of Christian Righteousness - Imputed Righteousness or Righteousness through Faith.

Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin. Romans 3:20

This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. Romans 3:22

Therefore, the simple and most commonly used scripture in all of Christian History has been gravely misused and misunderstood, making Christians serve harder for the wrong motives - resulting in burn outs and disappointments with God.

To truly summarise this verse, Jesus was talking about:

1) Seeking His Holy Spirit
This was the whole reason of the Gospel, that men might be reconciled and receive intimacy with God through the Holy Spirit. 

2) Receiving His Righteousness
We will never be considered Righteous in sight of God simply by doing good things. By fulfilling the Law, we have only done our duty. 

So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’” Luke 17:10

True Righteousness in God's eyes is to believe that God is our All-Sufficiency and Salvation. This belief shapes what we do and the way we live out lives. The scripture says: "be transformed by the renewing of your mind" Romans 12:2

About Serving God
As mentioned, I do not condone serving God with all we have. In fact, I am a firm believer of serving God will all that we have and in everything that we do.

Nor does this scripture deny the fact that we are to serve God. In fact, the truth of the matter is, the more we develop a soft heart to seek God and fill ourselves with His Holy Spirit, the more we will desire God and His will in our lives.

God is not pleased merely because we are zealously serving Him. Rather, He is more concerned that we are doing His will (zealously). 

Many people think that God's will only revolves around church Ministry. The truth is far further than that. Yes, God desires for His church to be glorious. But more than that, He desires Mercy, not Sacrifice (Hosea 6:6). The good Samaritan was not a Jew, but he too performed God's will, by caring for the needs of a wounded man in his path.

In summary, seek the Holy Spirit and Trust Wholeheartedly in the Lord. When Intimacy and Faith is established in us, "all things will be given unto you".

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